Sunday, October 30, 2005
Crossing the finish line
As part of my journey as a writer, I joined Romance Writers of America. Soon after, I joined the Romance Writers of America Online chapter. This past month was the KIA Marathon, named in honor of a member who's since passed on.
I work full time, so I do my writing in my spare time. This past month, I typed 193 pages. That's a personal record. This morning, I also realized it's the equivalent of half a manuscript. Woo-hoo!
So I've decided if I can do half a manuscript in a month, there's no reason I can't have a synopsis and query letter composed and sent by the end of the year. I'm giving myself one more week to decompress from finishing my last manuscript before I start the heavy editing. Then watch out, Honey Bumpers is making her debut!
On a personal note, I'm watching the movie Robots at the moment. It's pretty good. Never thought I'd see a kids movie mention Brazilian waxes and imitate Britney Spears in robot drag, but it's pretty good.
Posted by Honey :: 5:34 PM :: 1 Comments: ![]()