Thursday, November 03, 2005
GMC - His, Hers, Mine
On my way to my every-other-daily meeting with my muse today, I got to thinking about Goal, Motivation, and Conflict. What do my characters want, why do they want it, and what is preventing them from getting it? And then I thought, hey, if my characters have to have GMC, what's my GMC? What do I want, and why, and what's keeping me from getting it?
It's a question I don't thinkI want to answer for myself. But I just might have to face it if I want to finish my newest wip. There's a lot of me in my main character.
Her goal: to figure out what she wants in life.
Why: Because she feels her life has no sense of direction.
What's holding her back: How's she gonna know what direction to take if she doesn't know where she's going?
Yep, and this is supposed to be funny. But since I'm a klutz, and I live with the funniest man in the world, I'm sure I'll be able to lighten the mood with semi-real-life experiences. Besides, life changes direction all the time, right? So what if I don't know today where I want to be 40 years from now. I'm sure life's gonna take me down some interesting paths before I get there. I'm just along for the ride. :)
Posted by Honey :: 8:25 PM :: 2 Comments: ![]()