Sunday, November 06, 2005
Taking a Breather
Mr. Honey (who says the name is appropriate since he's so sweet) mentioned that I hadn't updated this blog in a couple days. So I figured I'd fill you in on my week.
Since I wrote so darn much in October, I gave myself a week off of writing as a breather. I planned to do a little editing and start reading up on query letters and synopses. Instead, I'm not sure what I did this past week. Wow. A whole week of my life has just disappeared. Interesting.
I sent Alter Ego off to a few of the AG's this week for comments. Thanks, AG's! :)
I made dinner a couple nights. I think I did, anyway. Can't quite remember.
I had Mr. Honey pick up Chinese food last night when he was on his way home from running errands and getting a new bike.
I cleaned my bathrooms. Holidays are coming, you know. That means guests. Gotta keep the house clean.
I think that's all. If I'm lucky, this week will be more memorable.
Posted by Honey :: 4:46 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()