Friday, September 07, 2007
Creativity Needed
Yeah, yeah, I haven't been writing like I should, so I need some creativity there, but I've got something else in mind today. It's my mother's fault. Blame her.
See, yesterday afternoon I got this email from her. Apparently her 400-month wedding anniversary with my dad is coming up at the end of September. (We don't ask why she figures these things out, she just does.) So, since she took the time to let me know about this upcoming holiday, I figured I'd ask what she intended to do about it. What is the traditional 400-month wedding anniversary gift, anyway?
She doesn't know. I don't know. Google doesn't know. But according to google, there are about 4 other people on this planet who've blogged about their X-times-100-month anniversary (where X is any whole number between 1 and... 16?). So, for the sake of the 4 other people on the planet besides my mom who keep track of these things, I've decided it's my duty to define some traditional and modern X-times-100 month anniversary gifts. But apparently pregnancy hormones are messing with my creativity, so I could use some help coming up with ideas. So far, all I've got is a special clock for the 100-month anniversary that counts down to the 200-month anniversary, and also sends emails to everyone in your address book when the 200-month anniversary is coming up, so you don't look like a dork for being the only one who remembers these things.
Anybody else got some ideas?Labels: family, Holidays, sometimes you just don't want to know
Posted by Honey :: 12:44 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()