Meet My Muse

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Intergalactic Princess Rides Again

The other morning I got up, and as I was moving about and trying to wake up, I stopped for a minute to tell Mr. Honey about my dream.

In this particular dream, I was an intergalactic princess again. This time, I was playing poker with a bunch of other intergalactic big-wigs, when I suddenly realized they were going to totally cheat me out of whatever winnings I might have. So I called them on it.

And all around the table, these intergalactic prigs were like, "Yep. You ain't winnin' nothin', princess. Let's just accept it and move on."

But I was like, Hell, No! I wasn't playing poker with cheaters.

So I called in my troops to take out the jackasses who didn't like to lose to a woman.

And then Mr. Honey was really nice to me all day long. I wonder if it was related to my dream?

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