Friday, December 02, 2005
Thanks to Kait for the tag. :)
15 facts about books and me...
1. I love books. :)
2. I took enough lit classes in college to get a minor, but never filled out the paperwork.
3. I love it when a book is so good that when I finish, I want to go back to the beginning and start all over again.
4. My first love of reading came from the sports page, not books.
5. I've never thrown a book across a room when angry with it. Instead, I beat it against the nearest flat surface. Notice I didn't say hard surface, because I've never been known to beat a book against my head.
6. I can't read Tolkein. There's only so much showing and telling of tree leaves I can handle before I'm fast asleep.
7. I have a bookshelf full of classics that I mean to read one day but probably won't get to for a very long time.
8. My first disappointment in a book came when the movie "The Secret Garden" came out in the early 90's. It was the first time I was faced with the fact that movies aren't as good as the books, and aren't always accurate, either. I guess that's not a book disappointment, but more of a reality check.
9. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to new authors. But if a friend recommends something, I'll try it. If I like it, I'll buy another. If I really really like it, I'll recommend it to another friend.
10. Janet Evanovich and Jennifer Crusie are my modern literary heroes.
11. Some days I spend more time searching for the right bookmark than I do searching for the right book to fit my mood.
12. I'm a bear to live with when I'm in the middle of a really good book. At times like these, Mr. Honey could tell me he and the boys are going sky-diving over the ocean and then will try to catch a great white for dinner and I'd just sorta grunt in agreement.
13. I've never read The Nora or Mary Higgins Clark. (I realize this puts me in a small circle of romance heathens just a step above book burners, but there you have it. My deepest, darkest secret has just been revealed.)
14. If a book makes me laugh, I like it. If a book makes me wet my pants, I suggest it to friends.
15. I love books. :)
And I tag... Laura Drewry and the Alphabet Girls Gone Wild!
Posted by Honey :: 12:23 PM :: 5 Comments: ![]()