Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My New Diet
Warning: DO NOT read this if you're squeamish and/or eating. Seriously.
Now, on to business.
My cats introduced me to a new diet this morning. For simplicity, we'll call it the cat turd diet. (I warned you... it's not too late to back out now.)
I was just about to grab my lunch and my water bottles and head out the door when I noticed them scratching at a brown streak on the floor near their litter box. Since it was a bit dark in the room, I figured it was just a leaf. A big, long, brown leaf that'd been crumpled on the ground. Okay, so I was hoping it was a leaf. But nooo-oooo-ooooo. It was a flattened cat turd. Like they'd kicked it out of the litter box (which I changed less than 48 hours previously) and then slid across the floor on it.
To their credit, they were trying to clean it up. At least, I assume that's what they were doing by pawing furiously at it. Gotta give 'em credit for knowing the turd belonged in the litter box, or at least not on the tile floor.
So, being the good kitty mommy that I am, I grabbed a couple Clorox wipes (it didn't exactly look like a one-wipe job) and knelt down beside them. That's when I made the fatal mistake. I should've just let the cats clean it up.
I won't go into details, but trust me when I say cat poop stinks. Especially at 7:30 AM. I may not eat again for the rest of the day.
I suspected Jinx as the accidental culprit, so I grabbed a couple baby wipes (on hand for just such an occasion) and tortured her by wiping down her paws. She was hiding when I left for work, but I know my little kneading kitty will be glad to see me when I get home tonight. And I'll be glad to see her too. After all, with a cruise coming up, swimsuit season is approaching. Great time for a cat turd diet, don't you think?
Posted by Honey :: 8:18 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()