Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!
Yep, I'm late wishing everyone a Happy New Year. :) Can I blame that party I went to last night?
So, it's the new year. Time to review last year's resolutions (some good, some bad, some out of my control) and look forward to this years. But I haven't given much thought to what I want to do this year. Have you? I know I want to take better care of myself health-wise (and maybe try to avoid another cold like the one I'm just about over). I know I want to finish the first draft of my pirate story, and start a first draft of another story that's been playing in my head, one that speaks to my inner child. Mr. Honey and I have a move coming up this summer, along with a kick-ass vacation just before the move (if the fates are willing), so I won't be able to attend RWA's National Convention like last year. But I have plans for 2008. And I resolve to handle the move well.
Enough of the boring stuff.
With the holidays behind us, and a new year (and new position at work) starting up, I'll be back on a regular basis again. Tune in tomorrow, when the old Honey returns. :)
Merry 2007!
Posted by Honey :: 7:01 PM :: 4 Comments: ![]()