Tuesday, December 12, 2006
How'd they figure that out??
As most of my friends know, I have this minor hiccup problem. Hiccups, for me, are like Pringles. Once I pop, I can't stop. However, I don't find hiccups nearly as pleasurable as Pringles, so when I get the hiccups, I reach for the nearest hiccup cure. Usually a spoonful of peanut butter will do it. A spoonful of sugar works in a pinch, such as when out at a restaurant, because apparently good restaurants don't stock peanut butter, but do stock sugar. As such, Reese's peanut butter cups will also work in a pinch, should you find yourself in a convenience store or gas station that doesn't sell peanut butter or sugar by the spoonful, but does sell candy.
Back to my point.
Driving to a holiday party the other night, Mr. Honey randomly started cackling. (He does that more often the longer we've been married. I think my randomness is finally rubbing off on him.) So I asked him what was so funny. And he tells me he was listening to a podcast that discussed the definitive work of modern times which details the best cures for hiccups.
I got all excited. Finally, my peanut butter would get the recognition it deserved. "It's not sugar," Mr. Honey said. "It's not peanut butter either."
"So what is it?" I asked. Silently, I'm praying he doesn't tell me it's drinking water while upside down - while entertaining to watch someone else do it, I've never personally found it all that attractive.
Mr. Honey snorted. "Guess."
"I'm not going to guess," I scoffed. "What is it?"
Mr. Honey cackles. "Well, see," he starts, snickering some more, "they did this study and found that most people's hiccups were cured when they, ah, stick their finger up their *location deleted for the sake of children who may stumble onto this blog, but you can use your imagination*."
"EEEEeeeeeewwwwww!!!!!!!!" I said.
Mr. Honey snorts. "Google it," he said. He then told me four words, "hiccup," "cure," "finger," and *noun deleted for the sake of children who may stumble onto this blog, but you can use your imagination*, and insisted that the actual document could be found this way.
I'm much too dignified to actually google those four words together (okay, really, I just don't want my work internet account to track that I've searched for them, so maybe I'll check from home later and update this with a link to the article, or maybe not...), so I'll let you do the work. Here, even: Use this link to get to Google.
But the question still remains: How did anyone ever decide to try this method in the first place? No, on second thought, I don't want to know. And I'll settle for being grateful that I wasn't a participant in this study.
Posted by Honey :: 6:02 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()