Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Can't... Sit... Still... Again!
Mr. Honey and I leave in less than 3 days for our holiday vacation. Woo-hoo! Caribbean, here we come! We started our packing last night, and I discovered my summer clothes still (mostly) fit, as well as my swim suits. Tonight I've got a hair trim and a manicure. Can it be Saturday yet? Please?
On another note, my strange dreams are back. This morning I was an active participant in a video game about smuggling. I think it has something to do with the book I just read - A Gentleman by Any Other Name by Kasey Michaels. (Great book, BTW.) In my dream, I was on a team and we were trying to sneak past all these electric-holographic dragons, but I discovered if I jumped on them, I became holographic and could enter "invisible flying mode" where I could also see more things at once. Then the effects wore off, Mr. Honey and I were suddenly on a cruise ship getting lectured and hiding from big waves, and then my alarm went off and I flung kittens across the room because I hadn't realized they were laying on my arm. I thought they were Mr. Honey snuggling with me. Really I didn't fling them, but I did startle them into jumping up and meowing at me a bit.
How's your morning shaping up? Got any big plans for the weekend or the holiday?
Posted by Honey :: 9:09 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()