Friday, July 27, 2007
The Problem with Moving
No matter how many bags and boxes of stuff you throw away, donate, or foist off on friends while getting ready to move, there will always be more stuff that you find when you arrive that makes you scratch your head and say, "Why did I keep this stupid thing again?"
And the only thing worse than asking that question, is having your spouse reply, "Because you didn't listen to me when I told you to throw it out."
Lucky for Mr. Honey and me, at this point in the game neither of us asking the other if we should keep anything, but instead just pitching it all, so we can't blame each other when we arrive at our destination in 2 weeks.Labels: moving
Posted by Honey :: 9:20 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()
Monday, July 16, 2007
Back.... kind of
Jeez, vacation is tiring. :) How's everyone in blogdom doing this week?
Mr. Honey and I left 2 weeks ago for Seattle, and we did just about everything a tourist can do in the city. We did the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, a Duck Tour (quack quack, baby!), and even got to have dinner with Aura and her guy!! :) It was fantastic.
Then, the following Sunday, we boarded a cruise ship to Alaska. Mr. Honey kept a running commentary of everything we did each day on the ship over at his blog. Drop me a comment if you'd like a link to it. :)
I had a really cool dream that involved moose and bears and whales while we were gone, though we only saw one of those in real life. The whales were all over the place, and we saw a good number of them from the cruise ship. Mostly we saw just the tails of humpback whales as they came to the surface to breathe, but we also saw a couple orcas breaching!! That was really cool.
Today's devoted to unpacking and cleaning, so we can re-pack and clean even more when we move in 3 weeks. Time's flying.
More later!
-honeyLabels: dreams, friends, travel
Posted by Honey :: 3:37 PM :: 4 Comments: ![]()