Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Accountability, Day 5
Today is the last day of my week-long experiment to see if I actually get more work done when I stick to a schedule. I think my results so far have made the answer pretty obvious, but I'll still post today's schedule and results, just in case you're not tired of it yet. I'll do a final wrap-up over at the Deadline Divas tomorrow.
7:30 - Get up, get going. Overslept! Mental note: consider setting alarm.
9:00 - Start writing
12:00 - Break for lunch (for the record, had a short break earlier to grab my morning snack, but I did research the whole time I was eating)
1:00 - Back to writing
2:15 - Leg stretch break
2:30 - Writing some more
3:10 - Phone call (Would've let voicemail get it, but it was someone who doesn't usually call, and curiosity won out)
3:25 - Back to writing
4:00 - Stop for the day. Halloween's tonight in my neighborhood, so I need to get ready early.
Total words for the day: 5700, just shy of 23 pages
Total hours spent writing: 5.5
Still keeping my 1,000 words/hour page count. Not bad. I'll have to keep this up.Labels: sorry to bore you to tears, writing
Posted by Honey :: 4:04 PM :: 1 Comments: ![]()
Monday, October 29, 2007
Accountability, Day 4
Today is the day that I shall call, The Day That Started With A Hangover.
Don't freak out - I wasn't drinking. I just came down with one of these killer headaches yesterday. They've been hitting me off and on the last couple months, and yesterday was my day to deal with them. Sometimes they last a few days, so I was a bit afraid to get out of bed this morning. Once I got up and going, though, things were fine. Must've been too much Mexican food and sunshine yesterday, or something.
So, I started late, but I still feel that I was productive.
8:00 - Roll out of bed, get breakfast, check email & internet, start laundry, call bug guy, do dishes
10:00 - Start work on writing-related tasks. (I swapped a couple chapters with a friend, so I spent an hour looking over her comments and answering questions she had about my comments.)
11:00 - Start writing
12:15 - Break for lunch and chores
1:15 - More writing
4:00 - Stop for the day. Time to prep dinner and finish chores, so I can get to Bunco tonight.
Total writing time today: 4 hours, plus 1 hour for writing-related issues
Total word count: 4,013 words, equal to 16 pages.
At this rate, if I can write 1,000 words an hour, I could finish my manuscript in about 70 hours. Probably couldn't do it in 70 hours straight, though. Even I need to sleep sometimes.
We're in the home stretch, folks! One more day to report daily progress before checking back in with the Deadline Divas. Woo-hoo!Labels: sorry to bore you to tears, writing
Posted by Honey :: 4:54 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()
Friday, October 26, 2007
Accountability, Day 3
In today's episode of As the Schedule Turns, Honey deters from the last two days' primary purpose in order to do some edits. Below is the riveting commentary from her day. Below that is the tag she answered from Lucy yesterday, which is infinitely more exciting.
7:15 - Roll out of bed, do morning stuff, plus dishes, and throw in a load of laundry
9:00 - Start editing
10:00 - Break for food
10:15 - Go back to editing
12:15 - Break for more food, also known as the neverending bowl of potato soup. Bring up dry laundry from the laundry room
1:00 - More editing!
3:30 - Finish all editing for the day, write about 25 words, and call it a day.
On the surface, it looks like I spent less time at my desk today, but by my calculations I still spent 5.5 hours on writing today. I edited about 18,000 words of my own WIP, plus critted 3 chapters for somebody else today, so all in all, I think it's still a productive day. Hooray!Labels: sorry to bore you to tears, writing
Posted by Honey :: 6:20 PM :: 0 Comments: ![]()
Thursday, October 25, 2007
It's been a while, so I should've seen it coming. I got tagged by Lucy to say 8 unique/interesting things about myself, so here goes nothing.
1. My DNA and fingerprints and retinas are totally and completely unique from everyone else... just like everyone else. (Thanks, Mr. Honey!)
2. My mouth is the only location on my body I've ever had surgery. I've made up for lack of locations with the quantity of times I've opened wide for a scalpel.
3. I don't like to eat cold apples. I much prefer them at room temperature.
4. The doctor and I can't agree on a specific day that baby Honey is due. By my advanced calculations, he should arrive March 25. The sonogram said March 26. By the doctor's formula, it's March 30, but the doctor doesn't take Leap Year into account, so I say it should be March 29. All this, of course, doesn't mean a hill of beans, since Baby Honey will arrive whenever he thinks it's his due date, and since he can't tell me that at this point, nor will he probably understand the concept of calendar dates for several years to come, the entire argument is moot. But I still like to think about it. So, Baby Honey is due March 25, 26, 29, and 30, though we're all hoping I'm not in labor on all of those days.
5. In order to motivate myself to work on the re-writes and edits of my latest story, I decorated my office with peel-n-stick pirates. (It's seriously cool.)
6. For the first collage I ever did, last month at the Moonlight and Magnolias conference, I turned Tony Bennett into a pirate.
7. I am a sock whore, and all my favorite goofy socks have descriptive names. Fuzzy socks, smiley face socks, cookie monster socks, orgasmic socks, etc.
8. My dreams have gotten more normal since I've been pregnant. Or if not more normal, they haven't gotten any weirder. Too bad, really. I enjoy those superhero dreams!
I'm not tagging anyone, because like Kristen, Lucy already tagged most of the people I know and visit on a regular basis. Hehehe!Labels: baby honey, crack, dreams, meme, Pirates
Posted by Honey :: 5:04 PM :: 2 Comments: ![]()
Accountability, Day 2
Another day on a schedule, another good bit of writing done. Hmmmm... I'm seeing a theme here.
7:00 - got up, got breakfast, checked email & internet, made dessert for a dinner out with friends tonight, showered
9:10 - Writing (964 words)
10:10 - STARVING, had cinnamon toast and orange juice. Yummy.
10:30 - Writing (1879 words)
12:00 - Lunch.
1:00 - Writing (2024 words)
2:30 - Short break to check mail and wash an apple
2:45 - Writing (2598 words)
4:15 - Done for the day.
Total words today: 7,465, for a rough total of 30 pages. Woohoo!
Coming later, I'll answer Lucy's tag... But thinking of 8 unique things about me after straining my muse all day might be kinda interesting. :)Labels: sorry to bore you to tears, writing
Posted by Honey :: 5:00 PM :: 0 Comments: ![]()
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Accountability, Day One
Over at the Deadline Divas today, I'm talking about time management and my serious lack of discipline with it. So, for the next week, I'm going to try to follow my schedule (weekends excluded, especially since the fam is coming over to visit this weekend), and then see if my dedication to my writing improves this week.
With that in mind, here's what I did today:
7:15 - Got up, got breakfast, checked email
8:10 - Showered, dishes, bit more email
9:00 - Writing (774 words done)
10:00 - Starving, break for food and check email
10:30 - Writing (2,007 words done)
12:20 - Starving again, break for lunch, check email and internet, pet kitties
1:10 - Writing (1,421 words done)
2:30 - Short break, check email
2:45 - Writing with cats in lap (872 words)
3:30 - Short break, snack and email, fail miserably at opening an apple juice bottle
3:45 - Writing (872 words)
4:30 - Brain fried for the day. Reward self by blogging and playing Pirates! until Mr. Honey gets home
All said and done, between the hours of 7:15 AM and 4:30 PM (for a total of 9 hours and 15 minutes between waking and quitting), I spent 5 hours, 40 minutes writing, for a total of 5,946 words, which is the equivalent of almost 24 pages. That's more than I've written the last two weeks combined. I think this schedule thing may be good for me. (I'm not yet ready to add up how many hours I spent checking my email.)Labels: sorry to bore you to tears, writing
Posted by Honey :: 8:35 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()