Sunday, December 04, 2005
Pea Soup (aka Peas and Dumplings)
Mr. Honey's gone off to play this week, so I decided to make my mom's turkey and dumpling recipe for dinner tonight. Leftovers are the greatest invention of the modern world. Imagine, cook once, eat for days. Who'da thunkit?
But that's not exactly the point. See, my version of turkey & dumplings involves taking some chicken broth, random vegetables from my fridge & freezer, and whatever turkey we happen to have, and throwing it all in a pot and letting it simmer for a while. Then I add Bisquick dumplings, which are like the second-greatest food ever, right after chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. Okay, maybe there are a few other foods better than bisquick dumplings, but I don't think so tonight.
The only ambiguous part of this recipe is the vegetable part. Today, I found baby carrots, an onion, and frozen peas. In my zealous quest to make my soup, I used all the peas at my disposal. As a result, I have pea soup. As in, there must be three hundred peas for every piece of shredded turkey in the pot. So, as I sit here eating my peas and dumplings, I have to wonder where my common sense was hiding while I was tossing vegetables in the pot. I've decided it's already on vacation.
Let the world be warned. I'm on the loose without common sense this week.
Posted by Honey :: 6:36 PM :: 5 Comments: ![]()