Friday, May 12, 2006
Excuse me, have you seen my banana?
I dropped my banana somewhere between my car and my office when I got into work this morning. I figure that's either a very good sign, or a very bad sign. I'll let you know after I eat the banana, since I backtracked and found it again. Interesting way to start a Friday, eh?
In other news, I've been pondering yet another "Why?" question. Today's question is a real head-smacker, a Homer Simpson "doh!"-er.
Why invest hundreds of dollars in ergonomic chairs, if the desks with which the chairs are to be paired, have no redeeming ergonomic qualities? It's great that I can adjust my chair 1600 ways to Sunday, but I can't adjust it to fit the level of my keyboard tray, nor can I adjust the keyboard tray to the proper height. So, rather than helping me, the ergonomic chair is making me keenly aware that there's very little I can do to improve the "proper positioning" of my workstation. Anybody else ever have this problem?
Happy Friday! Is it really Friday? Mr. Honey and I aren't sure. He has his own reasons, of course, which I'm quite sure he's already blogged about today.
Update for the day: It's noon, I've eaten my lost banana (not ripe enough), saved a toppled container of creamer (but not before a small mess had been made - and no, Mr. Honey, I wasn't the one who toppled it), dropped my keys, dropped my ID, and now I've dropped a bite of my lunch on the floor. Moral of the story: Don't let me hold anything you're not willing to pick up off the floor today.
Posted by Honey :: 7:21 AM :: 7 Comments: ![]()