Monday, October 16, 2006
15 pages and a pound and a half later...
As promised on Friday, today we have a recap of Croptoberfest.
Saturday morning, I had to take Mr. Honey to our little regional airport at 6 AM, so I was overly ready to go by the time 9 rolled around and Croptoberfest started. I showed up early to help set up, but my assistance wasn't needed, so instead I ate a whole cinnabon. By myself. I had to. I did. My stomach was upset from the decongestant and headache medicine I took before I left home. And the cinnabon was the only thing available. I swear, on my honor, that's how it happened.
Since I have this horrible guilt streak, the first thing I did (after consuming the cinnabon whole) was confess that I'd been preparing. And my dear friend the scrapbook consultant told me there was no shame in that, and it wasn't cheating. Yay! So I got to work. When we took a lunch break at 12:30, I'd completed 10 pages. We had chik-fil-a box lunches, in case you were wondering. It was a fried chicken breast sandwich, cole slaw, a bag of chips, and a fudge walnut brownie. I ate it all. I'd worked hard all morning, darn it! :)
Then the Halloween oreos and M&M's and chex mix were put out. But I only had 2 oreos. I swear. And none of the other stuff. The oreos were so cute! They had ghosts and witches and pumpkins on one side. And I finished 5 more pages before we were done for the day, bringing my total to 15. I took home the prize for most pages completed for the day, with the next highest page count being around 9. For my efforts, I was awarded new 12x12 Gold Dust pages and a new tape runner. Then my name was drawn for the grand prize, but that just wasn't right, so they drew again. :)
Then I went home, played with the kittens for an hour, and headed out to a party, where I ate way too much rotel dip and fritos and tortilla chips and cheesy vegetable soup, and then I couldn't finish a single bratwurst because I thought my stomach was going to explode all over the other party guests. And since I was sober driver for my neighbor friends, I didn't even have to add alcohol to the mix to get the whole I-Feel-Like-Sh!t-And-It's-My-Own-D@mn-Fault warm fuzzy feelings in my belly.
I think it's safe to say I won't be craving big meals for a long time. At least until this weekend anyway.
It's also safe to say the scale is not my friend. I gained almost 2 pounds over the weekend. Maybe making that carmel to go along with my apples yesterday wasn't such a good idea after all. *sigh*
Posted by Honey :: 9:24 AM :: 1 Comments: ![]()