Friday, September 29, 2006
Plunged to its death
Last night, I was standing in the bathroom looking for something and Mr. Honey was standing in the doorway talking to me. I turned around and saw an unfortunate side effect of living in a heavily wooded neighborhood deep in the heart of Georgia: a palmetto bug, sitting about 7 feet up on my bathroom wall. A stupid bug that looks like a cockroach but is the size of my thumb and can sorta fly, a bug that lives outside but occasionally sneaks into our house looking for bread crumbs. Icky. Yucky. Bug. (The kittens have yet to notice one of them, but I'm certain they'll have a fun time killing it when they do.)
Since Mr. Honey was standing right there, I squealed like a girl. (Mr. Honey, skip ahead to the next paragraph.) If he's not home, I somehow find the strength to tackle the giant ugly bugs on my own, but if he's there, I go all girly. Must be the effect he has on me.
Mr. Honey is my hero. As I stood there doing the squealing girl dance, he steps past me, sizes up his adversary, and quickly chooses a course of action. He grabs the plunger. And despite my eew reaction to the whole thing, my brain began processing what I was seeing. I darted out of the bathroom, wondering how Mr. Honey would choose to use his weapon. Would he cover the bug with the hollow end of the plunger and then plunge all the air out, creating a vacuum in which the bug can explode? Or would he--
Yep, Mr. Honey smacked the crap out of that bug with the side of the plunger. Smacked. The. Crap. Out of it. Exploded bug guts rained down in the bathroom. Mr. Honey chuckled in glee. Then he shot me a glance. "Uh, do we have any paint?"
As it turned out, paint was unnecessary. Mr. Honey cleaned up the scattered remnants of our intruder, both on the wall and throughout the bathroom, and I didn't have any nightmares about gigantic icky bugs. Life is good.
Happy Friday!
Posted by Honey :: 7:51 AM :: 1 Comments: ![]()