Friday, September 15, 2006
My children have kitten-envy.
Forget the fact that they aren't even born yet. Just trust me. They already have kitten envy.
See, tonight I'm going to Walmart to pick up pictures of my new little kittens. And right after I do that, I'm opening up my scrapbook kit and writing the kittens' photographic memoir of their first week with us. Then tomorrow I'll go back to snapping pictures like mad, so I can repeat the process next week. It's important to see how much they grow from week to week, isn't it?
So forget the whole I-made-a-baby-book-for-my-firstborn-but-was-too-busy-to-do-the-same-for-my-second-born thing. I'm making a baby book for my kittens that my children will have to flip through one day, saying, "Mom, how come you made a book for them but you didn't make one for me?"
Posted by Honey :: 9:05 AM :: 9 Comments: ![]()