Monday, September 11, 2006
At the risk of being hated...
While sitting around the house this weekend, wishing our kitties would wake up from their naps and play (did you know kittens can sleep up to 20 hours a day?), Mr. Honey and I watched Gone with the Wind. Neither of us had ever seen it before. I have to wonder if it's a movie I would've liked better if I'd been introduced to it at a young age. Whatever the case, I had a hard time staying focused on the movie and an even harder time coming up with how Scarlett was a sympathetic character. It wasn't completely the kitty influence that had my attention span short - when I was in college, I tried to watch it with my roommate, but couldn't make it through the first few scenes either. I realize the movie is set in a totally different time and place from where we are now, back when white women on plantations were princesses and queens, but with Scarlett's biggest enemy being her I-Want-What-I-Can't-Have-And-I'll-Step-On-Anyone-To-Get-What-I-Need/Want self, it was difficult for this modern woman to find much in common with her.
With that in mind, can someone please educate this ignorant Yankee-born girl? What makes Gone with the Wind such a beloved classic? I know I had to have missed something.
Posted by Honey :: 7:42 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()