Thursday, September 07, 2006
Up to no good
With my cold making my brain a little fuzzy today, I'm not sure what I want to blog about, but rather than do nothing, I thought I'd be a pain in the ass.
I have a secret. :) It's not about my pirate story, which is coming along nicely and which the Alphabet Girls helped me dissect last night. It's not about my on-again house guest, who's with us for two days, gone for a couple days, and then maybe with us again for a couple days before leaving town for good. It's not about my neck, which is healing nicely but it's still not well enough to allow me to return to the gym. It's not about Mr. Honey, who finally blogged about Dragon*Con (for those of you interested - set aside a good fifteen to twenty minutes to get through it all). It's about something else.
Mr. Honey and I are doing more prep work tonight and tomorrow, and then I'll let you in on my secret over the weekend.
Have a great Thursday!
Posted by Honey :: 10:42 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()