Monday, August 28, 2006
Needing some culture?
Yesterday, a neighbor flagged me down just after Mr. Honey and I got back from running a few errands. "I know you don't have cable," she said, "and I just got the first season of Gray's Anatomy on DVD. Would you guys like to borrow it?"
I think this was actually a silent plea that we join this millenium. See, this same neighbor was over a couple weeks ago, and as part of entertainment for the evening we put some old episodes of MacGyver up on the TV. She kept giggling at all the wrong moments throughout the entire three episodes we watched, and it wasn't until later that we found out why. She wasn't laughing at MacGyver - she was laughing at us because we were watching it. So I'm pretty convinced she's taken it upon herself to see to it that we finally make the leap into the 21st century. Maybe Mr. Honey and I will watch a couple episodes tonight after I make dinner in my apron and pearl earrings.
Posted by Honey :: 11:28 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()