Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I haven't remembered a single dream in over two weeks, maybe longer. I know I'm dreaming, because I remember going back to sleep to continue the dreams I'm in, but I can't for the life of me remember what they are after I wake up for good.
I do know they're dark dreams, about hiding and searching for things. Since I can't remember what happens in my dreams, I can't look them up specifically in my dream book. If I were to hazard a guess as to what my subconscious is trying to tell me about my life, I'd have to estimate that I'm missing something and I need to seek out some excitement and change. Maybe it's the day job. Maybe it's a plot twist I haven't picked up on yet in my WIP. Maybe it's the 60 or so unread books on my shelves, taunting me because I can never decide which one to pick up next. Somehow, while I was at Nationals, the book booty I cam away with ended up being about 40% contemporary romance (to include mysteries, adventures, and women's fiction), 30% paranormal, 15% historical (I want more! WAAAHHHH! Amazon, here I come.), and 15% other, to include YA and erotica among other random things.
Anyway, it's got me bummed that I can't remember my dreams. They're odd, scary as all hell sometimes (which I only know because I wake up relieved to be out of the dream), and twisted as only dreams can be, but I love remembering them. I love the inspiration my dreams provide, if only for teasing the Alphabet Girls with weird paranormal plot twists on Muse-tastic Mondays. And now I'm nothing special. I'm not currently in that enlightened group of people who have their dreams and remember them, too. Mr. Honey is relieved that he hasn't had to contemplate sending me to a shrink lately, but I'm just bummed. I want my dream memories back.
Posted by Honey :: 8:44 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()