Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The Great Eye Experiment
It's been seven days since I started putting dollar bills in my right eye every morning. And though I can tell a bit of a difference, it's not enough to justify throwing money away. For a dollar a drop, I should be experiencing superman-type qualities. Like I should have x-ray vision. Or be able to shoot laser beams from my eye. This whole thing with my right eye feeling just a tad bit lighter and fluffier than my left eye isn't cutting it. Maybe I'll check and see if I can use generic Visine with my contacts. Then we could have The Great Eye Experiment Part II. But that would require that I go to the store and remember to check for generic Visine, and I don't foresee that happening anytime soon.
In other news, Mr. Honey and I are playing host to a friend off and on until mid-September. The off part starts tomorrow when our guest takes off for a bit of traveling, with the on part resuming in a week or so when he gets back, before he leaves for good. Mr. Honey asked if our guest would be leaving anything at our house until he gets back. When our guest indicated he'd like that very much, Mr. Honey replied, straightfaced and without a pause, "Great. I've been looking for more stuff to put on eBay." I love that man. He cracks me up.
In other other news, my office has become infested with fruit flies. Collectively since last week, the fruit flies are winning, with 4 of them escaping. Today, however, it's fruit flies 0, Honey 2. Either it's fruit fly season, or my computer has some extra features Dell doesn't like to talk about.
Posted by Honey :: 8:27 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()