Friday, September 08, 2006
This has been a test...
...of the emergency nose explosion warning system.
Had this been an actual nose explosion emergency, the four sneezes you just heard would have been followed by a string of curse words and frantic searching for tissues. The emergency nose explosion warning committee strongly suggests you keep a box of tissues, a can of Lysol, and a bottle of hand sanitizer handy, along with cough drops and Dayquil. The next test will commence in 7.3 minutes. This concludes this test of the emergency nose explosion warning system. Thank you, and have a good day.
*achoo* *achoo* *achoo* *achoo*
(In other news, I got my new camera last night. And it ROCKS! Thank you, Mr. Honey!! Cool pictures coming soon to a blog near you.)
Posted by Honey :: 7:37 AM :: 6 Comments: ![]()