Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Am I supposed to be learning something?
I had one of those dreams last night. You know the ones. The kind where you're back in school after having finished years ago, and you have one more semester to go, or one more class to complete, or you have to do high school all over again because you flunked Freshman gym class but nobody caught it until you were about to graduate college with a degree in rocket science that means nothing since you couldn't pass remedial PE eight years ago. Yeah, that kind of dream.
I was pretty upset in my dream. For starters, going back to college meant going back to a long-distance relationship with Mr. Honey. Been there, done that, not looking forward to ever having to do it again. But with his line of work, it's always a possibility he'll have to go away for 3 months, 6 months, or maybe more. It's just how the cookie crumbles. Oooh, cookies. Now there's a good idea.
Back to the dream.
In preparation for this last semester of college, I moved back into my old sorority house. Except one of my roommates was allergic to my kitten. So Jinx and I had to go find a new room. And we did, too, except another one of my sorority sisters was apparently moving into that room when she got in later. And then someone had the audacity to tell me I couldn't keep my Jinx with me in the sorority house! That it was against the rules. How much does that suck?
So, in the end, I woke up and realized Mr. Honey was right beside me, I'm nowhere near my college town, nor do I have to go back for another semester. Don't get me wrong, I had a fantastic time in college. It was exactly what I needed at that stage in my life. In the five years I've been out, I've gone from a starry-eyed young engineer to a recovering geek with aspirations of supporting Mr. Honey and myself into old age by telling stories. A lot has changed. If I had to do it all over again, I'd do the same thing. But I've been there and done that in this life already, so I'm glad I woke up this morning in chilly (YAY!) Georgia rather than geek school in MO.
Posted by Honey :: 7:51 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()