Friday, October 06, 2006
Funky Friday
I've been in a grand funk for about 2 weeks now. I'm generally lethargic, not all that interesting to talk to or be around, and I've been sleeping a lot. Is my problem a lack of vegetables? A lack of exercise? A lack of free time? Of course not. My problem is a lack of pirates.
Sid Meier's Pirates!, that is.
Over three months ago, a friend introduced me to Pirates! But I couldn't play it at home because the game wasn't compatible with my laptop, nor with Mr. Honey's laptop. Unbelieveably enough, considering we're both geeks, we only have a single computer apiece. No extra computers and/or computer parts laying around, just waiting for an upgraded video card or extra memory so it could be revitalized as a gaming machine. Nope, we got rid of every single one of those. So I couldn't play my Pirates! game. I tried. I did. My laptop crashed the game every single time. *sigh*
So Tuesday I got home from work, made puppy-dog eyes at Mr. Honey, and announced my general lethargy was due to a lack of Pirates! So Mr. Honey, being the knight in shining armor that he is, ran directly to eBay, where he purchased the Xbox version. Yet another of our geek shortcomings is that we don't personally own an Xbox, but we know a friend with 2. He agreed to lend us his old Xbox, my game arrived last night, Mr. Honey and I stayed up until past midnight playing it, and today I feel almost like myself again. Pirates! has changed my life.
**Just for the record, I don't do video games. They're not my thing. But I'm CRAVING Pirates!, so it's gotta be a kick-a$$ game, right?
**Also just for the record, I would be totally back to myself, but because of the whole not-doing-video-games thing, I'm terribly insufficient at operating the Xbox controller, which means that I currently suck at the game. Mostly last night I lived vicariously through Mr. Honey, watching him battle pirates and make deals with port governors. Guess that means I need to practice more.
Posted by Honey :: 10:27 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()