Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Retired as a Governor
I gave up on my Pirates! game yesterday. Not the whole entire game forever, obviously, but the particular game I've been playing since the disc arrived last Thursday. I'm hoping my friend comes through with a computer this weekend so I can tackle the computer version instead. Besides, I've got a good bit of work to do in the next couple days to catch up with everything since I've had my nose buried in Pirates! for the last week.
In my game, I named my pirate Westley, and he was about 42 years old and in failing health when I finally admitted the game had gotten the best of him. He'd fought long and hard, rescuing his 4 family members, finding 4 lost Aztec cities, looting other cities and ports, getting promoted to the highest rank possible with the Spanish, Dutch, English, and French, marrying a beautiful Spanish governor's daughter, rescuing other governors' daughters (and I suspect taking them as his mistresses, though the game didn't come right out and say so, but why else would they call him "Darling"?), and generally wreaking havoc on Spanish trade and treasure ships, since they carried more loot than the other countries' trade ships. He also defeated 8 of the 9 other top 10 notorious pirates, and had over 10,000 acres of land to call his own. But he couldn't find that last pirate, which he had to do in order to discover the secret hiding place of Lord Montalbon, that evil man who wronged his family and started him on his quest to rule the Caribbean. And that's why I like the computer version better than the Xbox version.
In the computer version, you can defeat Lord Montalbon at any point in the game. He sails around on a ship and you might just run across him, or a wench at a tavern might tell you he was last spotted in San Juan, in which case you can run over there and see if he's still hanging around. And then you don't have to wait until your health is failing in order to win the ultimate best part of the game.
Mr. Honey managed to make it to Montalbon's hideout last night, but Montalbon is a quick dude for being so old. Maybe tonight Mr. Honey can kick his you-know-what.
In other news, the kittens will get their second flea treatment tonight, and this time I'm going to do it right so they don't have to suffer through it again until a full month has passed. I'm also going to put flea-killer on the carpet and furniture in the living room, and wash everything the kittens may have touched in the last month. Those fleas' hours are numbered now. The only good flea I've ever met was a dead flea.
In other other news, Mr. Honey and I started officially dating 7 years ago today. Happy Anniversary, Mr. Honey!
Posted by Honey :: 7:54 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()