Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sad days coming to an end
Two days ago, I dropped my kitties off at the vet for their "fixin'". It's been so very quiet and boring at my house since. You'd think Mr. Honey and I were those crazy cat people who talk about their pets all the time and can't live without them. Sadly, I think that's just about accurate. While visiting his family over the weekend, Mr. Honey whipped out my laptop and said, "Hey, wanna see videos of Jinx falling asleep?" And of course the family humored him. But naturally it wasn't just Jinx falling asleep. It was Jinx, about 9 weeks old, attempting to fall asleep while sitting up. You know, America's Funniest Home Videos quality. And I confess, I subjected my own family to the same thing just 2 months ago.
Anyway, tonight I'm picking my kittens up, and we'll have them back home. Saffron will be back to sitting on my lap and preventing me from typing easily, and Jinx will be back to kneading and licking my neck at all hours of the wee morning. I can't wait.
Posted by Honey :: 6:25 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()