Thursday, March 15, 2007
Cheater Cheater
This whole audio book thing has opened my eyes to who I really am: a Cheat Reader.
Despite the fact that I'm listening to the book, rather than reading it in paper and ink format, I find myself itching to flip forward a few pages to see what happens. To peek near the end, presumably to see how many pages long the book is, knowing I'll "accidentally" spy that happily ever after, to remind myself that the payoff is coming. Or I'll steal 3 minutes of reading time in between my shower and the time I have to leave for work in the morning, knowing I can re-read if I want, but not wanting to manipulate my iPod to rewind those three minutes once I get home again tonight and have time to devote all my attention to it. So I know what's coming. Because I can't wait to just let it happen all on its own.
It just gets worse every day. First I discover I'm a book whore, then I find I'm a cheat reader. It's a wonder I can live with myself.
P.S. Today's another holiday - Happy Ides of March! Why we celebrate Caesar's death-by-betrayal is beyond me, but if you've got a Little Caesar's nearby, why not pop in for a celebratory pizza lunch? That's what we always did in Latin class in high school, anyway. Yummy.
Er, maybe that's supposed to be Beware the Ides... I'll let you decide.
Posted by Honey :: 8:56 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()