Friday, March 16, 2007
Rite of Spring in the South
We got a nice spring shower last night. I just love the smell of the rain right after it first hits the ground. It's all fresh and clean and, well, rainy-smelling.
This morning, on my morning walk, I came across several puddles that looked like sidewalk chalk run-off, as though all the neighbor kids had all been out drawing pictures on their driveways last night and the rain washed it all down to the street. But after 3 or 4 driveways, I realized it wasn't sidewalk chalk. It's pollen. Icky, nasty, turn-your-cars-green and plug-your-sinuses pollen.
I should've realized right away what it was. After all, Mr. Honey gave our cars their first pollen rinse-off of the season yesterday afternoon. The cherry blossom and pear trees have been in full bloom, which is absolutely gorgeous to the eyes but cringe-inducing for the nasal passages. Too bad we can't have gorgeous flowers without the pollen.
Anybody got any big weekend plans?
Posted by Honey :: 8:25 AM :: 1 Comments: ![]()