Thursday, September 13, 2007
We Deliver, but We Don't Pick Up
Mr. Honey got a package from a "National Delivery Service" in the mail last evening. (I won't say which one, because I suspect they all do the same stupid thing.) The package was a replacement set of earbuds for one of our iPods. As part of the deal with our warranty, Mr. Honey used the enclosed return label to package up the damaged earbuds to send them back to Apple. He told me we'd be getting another delivery today from the same delivery service, and if I happened to be around when they dropped off the new package, could I give the return package to the driver?
Well, sure. That's hardly asking for the world, now is it?
So five minutes ago, the delivery service pulls up, drops the package, and I notice in time to go running out the front door yelling, "Wait! Wait! I've got an outgoing package!"
So the driver stops, stares at me like I've got a booger hanging out of my nose (and in all fairness, I very well could have), and says, "I can't pick it up. I'm not authorized. You'd have to call it in first."
Are you kidding me? The United States Post Office would've picked it up. Since when does a government organization do something more efficiently than a private delivery service? To be fair, she offered to wait in my driveway until I made the phone call, but I'd much rather inconvenience them the same way they've just inconvenienced me. (Yes, I know. Grow up, Honey, it's just a phone call. Well, Mr. Delivery Service People, it's just time and gas you could save if you would've picked up my darn package in the first place, not to mention just plain good customer service.)
Next time I have a special delivery need, I know who I'm NOT going to.Labels: asses
Posted by Honey :: 10:12 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()