Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Blue Lint Special
I went shopping for new towels the other day. Mr. Honey and I have had the same towels for many years now, and most of them were cheap towels to begin with, so it was time to move on to bigger and fluffier things.
Problem is, I forgot about that wonderful characteristic of new towels calls LOTS of LINT. That store should be called Lintens & Things, or Bed, Bath, & Lint. Take your pick.
So, these puppies are big, fluffy, blue towels, and they shed worse than a sheepdog on a sweltering July day in the South. No big deal, really, until you're sitting in your first meeting of the week and notice the boss staring at you. And that weird guy you wish would drop off the face of the earth is also staring at you. Is he staring at your chest? Good god almighty, does the man have no shame?
You move your hand to brush a fuzzy thing off your face and realize your arms have sprouted blue hair. And when you cross your eyes, your nose kinda has a bit of a blue tinge to it, as well. And betcha anything your pantyhose have grown little blue lint extensions, too. (Obviously this story has been fabricated for the purpose of making a point, because Honey would never, ever wear pantyhose to work.)
That, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you get new towels.
So, the question of the evening is: How many washings does it take to get the bad lint off new towels? And along with that, how many changes of the lint trap in the dryer must we go through before our skin loses the blueish hue it's taken on?
And in unrelated questions, would you rather drink a Captain Pepper, or a Dr. Morgan? And if you need me to explain what those are, you're probably not qualified ot answer the question. ;)
Posted by Honey :: 10:11 PM :: 4 Comments: ![]()