Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The Meaning of Life
I don't really want to talk about the meaning of life today, but it caught your eye, didn't it? You thought you'd read down a little bit, find that Miss Honey knows all the answers to the questions of life, the universe, 42, yada yada yada... :)
Anyway, I've come across a few web pages I wanted to share, because I find they're both very relevant to life.
First up is Scott Adams' Dilbert blog. Where else can you go to get a comprehensive list of elements to put in a story to make it funny? Comedy writers take note: the master (Mr. Adams, not Miss Honey) has spoken.
Next is Miss Manners. She's apparently got a new etiquette book out, and MSN is posting excerpts. I laughed my fanny off at this little bit of advice. For those people to whom any of these situations ring true, it's probably not funny, but in my (currently) light-hearted view of the holidays, the list of signs you're a bit too into the holiday spirit had this irreverent Miss Honey busting a gut.
Finally, I got a most excellent, dude, forward at work today. I normally spit hairballs on those people who send me non-funny forwards (I am like french food, after all), but this one was nice. It's an Excel spreadsheet (geez, what am I, a walking Microsoft commercial?) that asks you to enter your name. Then it tells you what your ideal job would be based on some complex mathematical formulas and a list of jobs compiled by someone with quite a decent sense of humor.
In case you're wondering, my ideal job would be a Ho. If I just use my first name, I'd be a nun. My alter ego's name would make a good Porn Star with just a first name, and my alter ego's full name would make a good insurance fraudster. As you can see, I have lofty goals for myself.
Any takers? Want to know what your ideal job would be? *cackle, cackle*
Posted by Honey :: 5:34 PM :: 9 Comments: ![]()