Thursday, January 05, 2006
How to mess with your coworkers, Part 1
Office life is fun. There's so much you can do to annoy other people around you.
Such as putting a password on the thermostat.
Somebody must have done that in my office today. While it was 70 and beautiful outside, it was 76 and steamy (not in the good way) on the inside. Except for in the restroom. Walking into the restroom this afternoon was like having one of those lessons from Kindergarten.
Hello, boys and girls. Today we're going to talk about hot and cold. Say it with me, boys and girls. Hot and cold. Is boiling water hot or cold? That's right, it's hot. Is ice hot or cold? Correct. It's cold. Why does your daddy tell you not to touch the grill? Very good. Because it's hot. What happens when you go to Honey's office on a warm day in January and walk into the restroom? Absolutely correct. Thermal shock. Sudden blue titage, er, tintage of the lips and uncontrollable shivering. Whoops, sorry, forgot I was in the classroom. Ahem. Now then, moving on. Let's discuss the alphabet. Can anyone tell me a word beginning with the letter F?
Moral of the day: Do not password-protect the thermostat. Or, in my case, don't make it difficult to figure the darn thing out. We're in a digital age, people.
Posted by Honey :: 6:35 PM :: 2 Comments: ![]()