Sunday, January 29, 2006
The White Screen of Death
Mr. Honey and I went to our cheap local theater last night to catch Chronicles of Narnia for a second time. Since this particular little theater is only open Friday and Saturday nights, and only for one showing of one movie each night, it was a pretty full theater. We got in with 5 minutes to spare before the movie started, and sat near the back on the side so we could sit on the aisle. As soon as I was settled, Mr. Honey went back to the popcorn stand to stand in a very long line.
He got back to our seats just as the movie started. And then, five minutes later, just as Lucy discovered the wardrobe, the screen went blank. It was the white screen of death.
There was a pretty good crowd last night, and they were all pretty good-humored about it. About a dozen people jumped up and ran to tell the manager what had happened, and within a minute the movie was back on. Kind of a relief, actually. I'd hate to see a riot over technical difficulties happen during a kid-friendly, Christian-centric movie, wouldn't you? Sorta would've told you something if it had happened that way, don't you think?
Anyway, the next two hours were great (with the exception that Mr. Honey and I agreed we liked it better the first time), and then, just as good had triumphed over evil, but with one sibling laying seriously injured from battle... You guessed it. White screen of death again.
So, Mr. Honey and I did what any mid-20's DINKs who knew how it ended would do. We made a beeline for the exit and were the first people out of the parking lot, home before the credits would have started rolling.
It was a nice date out. :) Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come at our little cheap theater. Sometimes we go there to see movies we haven't seen yet.
Posted by Honey :: 8:17 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()