Monday, January 16, 2006
Karaoke Revolution
Last week, Mr. Honey and I went out with a bunch of friends and ended up at a coffee shop. While we were there, we were fortunate enough to witness very bad karaoke. We were grateful that all we’d chosen to do to embarrass ourselves in the coffee shop was to demonstrate our utter lack of knowledge about 90’s pop culture trivia. But I had to admire the couple who were singing for having the guts to do that in public. Seriously, you’ve gotta have steel cojones to do that, you know?
Anyway, after witnessing these people playing Karaoke Revolution, a couple of our neighbors went in search of the game. They found it. And they’ve played it a lot lately. So yesterday, after dinner with a couple of them, Mr. Honey went to bed and I chose to stay up way, way too late seeing what all the fuss was about.
Turns out, you don’t have to sound good to be good at Karaoke Revolution. You could be Kermit the Frog and kick some serious booty at this game, provided you can carry a tune. The whole object of the game is to sing into a microphone along with whatever song the game tells you to, and hit the right notes. You could sing, “This game makes me feel like a nincompoop” over the words, provided you do it at the right pitch.
And wouldn’t you know it, I got to demonstrate my skills to the tune of a Whitney Houston song. That’s right, folks, I got to sing “I will always love you” in front of my neighbors last night. And the embarrassing part was, I kicked serious ass. Now my neighbors know how I spent my formative years – warbling along to 90’s pop music until I could sing it in my sleep. I think their eardrums may be sore today.
You don’t think they’ll think any less of me now, do you?
Posted by Honey :: 11:11 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()