Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Three Day Weekend-itis
I've discovered a new malady. It's called 3-day-weekend-itis and it runs rampant this time of the year.
See, what happens is, over the holidays (aka the time between Thanksgiving and MLK Day), we as a work force are given 5 free holidays. That's 5 free, get paid for sitting at home in your pajamas watching TV, days. All in less than 2 months time. Add in that extra vacation time that many of us manage to sneak in over the holidays, and we've essentially only worked 3 weeks out of each month. For some of us, the holidays start sooner, with Veteran's Day.
What's the result of all this?
Three-Day-Weekend-itis. And I've got it bad with a capital B-A-D. I don't wanna work a 5-day work week next week! I love my 3-day weekends!
But then the world-wise, sympathetic, humanitarian Honey kicks in.
"Shame on you! There are people out there who can't get jobs, whose families go hungry, and you're complaining about free time off!?!? I can't believe this. I have GOT to find someone else who needs a spunky muse with great hair, flawless skin, and perfect fashion sense. Lord knows you're not using me for my full potential anyway, Honey. I've seen some of the clothes you wear. You need me, Honey. You really do. So quit feeling sorry for yourself!"
So, I'll try to look on the bright side of things. Ah, yes. I've got good news. I get personality training at work tomorrow. That should be fun. Which personality do you think I should take?
Posted by Honey :: 4:10 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()