Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Free Dreams, First Come First Served
Anybody need a couple dreams? I've got some I'm looking to get rid of. And darn it all if I didn't forget my dream book this morning! Of course, Mr. Honey told me my dreams have now gone beyond the help of the dream book, but I'd really like to know what some of these things mean.
Like when your friend's ex calls you fat. And you respond by suggesting she just go have fun with him and his girlfriend and see how much she likes that.
Or when you've got leftover turkey from a big dinner, and you put it in a big container of seawater and discover there are fishes swimming around with your leftover turkey. (And yup, I told Mr. Honey in my dream that I would NOT eat the fish, only the turkey, so I better not get any fish on my plate when I dished up leftovers.)
Or when you're suddenly at Disneyworld, and you're following someone to an exhibit (Jan, was that you? I think it might have been) and suddenly you're on a ride that takes you along the process of making some candy, and you stick your foot in it but that's okay because they give you all the candy that was made while you were on your tour, so it's only you eating your footprint candy and not anybody that might be grossed out by it.
Or when you just need a nice, clean bathroom but every toilet has crap floating in it. Or the other toilet problem that even I can't admit to in a public forum, because it's just disturbing. Poor Mr. Honey heard all about it this morning. Before I told him, I told him to prepare to tell me I'd lost my marbles. And then I told him about the dream. And he said, "You're weird." *sigh* So very, very true.
So, anyway, I've got some dreams I'm looking to give away. Anybody want them?
p.s. Thanks for bringing home ice cream last night, Mr. Honey!! It was just like old times. :)
Posted by Honey :: 9:26 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()