Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Weird Wednesday
Many thanks for everyone who suggested names for my little crumb-sucker lamb. Here are the finalists, in no particular order:
Mint Jelly
Pepper (short for Peppermint)
Which do you prefer?
Now, on to some freaky random weirdness.
Have you ever gotten one of those voicemail messages on your home or cell phone that thanks you for calling, assures you that your call is important, and asks your voicemail to hold for the next available representative? Seriously, why does that happen? Believe me, my voicemail did not call an automated answering service. If it did, it's being bad, and I'm going to have to discuss this behavior with it. *insert mental picture of Honey scolding her cell phone voicemail here* Stupid technology.
But technology's working for one guy. Have you heard of him? He started with a red paperclip and he's been trading up using various internet sites like Craigslist and his blog in the hopes of trading for a house. Not bad, eh?
Hope you all have a wonderful day. Allergy season is now in full force here in the south (and will be for the next 7 months), so I'm getting re-acclimated to taking my antihistimines and decongestents on a regular basis so I don't end up with the Mother of All Headaches. If I don't make sense, it's the medication talking. I promise.
Don't forget to vote for your favorite lamb crumb-sucker name!
Posted by Honey :: 9:54 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()