Friday, March 31, 2006
So, we're here in sunny Florida right now. Mr. Honey's on a business trip, and I came down for the weekend. I'm having a great time. :)
We just got back from dinner, where the food was pretty good. Can't argue with fresh seafood in Florida, can you?
Since there were ten people in our party, and there was a party of 35 (yes, thirty-five, 3 - 5) in front of us, our group got split amongst 3 tables. Being with the thrify and wise people that we were with, the group decided to do some table arranging. We turned all the tables 90 degrees and tried to push them together, but the wait staff stopped us. Apparently it's a "fire hazard" to have the tables arranged differently. That's cool. Wouldn't want to get trapped in a fire, so we put the tables back into their original configuration.
So, we get the tables back, and everyone starts choosing seats. No big deal. Except, apparently I was the only one who noticed that a big plastic bottle of cocktail sauce had fallen into one of the chairs during the process of moving all the tables. And the dude who picked that chair didn't notice the bottle there in his seat. So he sat on it.
And cocktail sauce shot out of his butt.
Or so it appeared.
I'd like to continue, but I can't. I'm laughing too hard at the memory.
(**Note: No humans were actually touched by the flying butt cocktail sauce. But it did leave a good long red streak on the floor...**)
Posted by Honey :: 10:28 PM :: 4 Comments: ![]()