Monday, March 27, 2006
The Great Furniture Hunt
Mr. Honey and I went furniture shopping on Saturday. I think I'm almost back to normal today.
We're in a weird situation right now. We've lived here longer than we've lived anywhere else together. And we're moving in about a year, to some new random location and into a house with as yet undetermined dimensions. And we both want new furniture and decorations.
So, we spent Saturday trying on furniture for appeal value in its own right, not based on where it would fit best in what room, but just based on what spoke to us. (Side note: why is it that which speaks loudest to us also siphons the most from our pocket books?) We only hit 4 furniture stores, but that was enough to do us in. We've found a bedroom set we like, and we've agreed we won't be upgrading the living room or dining room while we're here. I like to know what's available, develop my tastes from the pool of available furniture applicants so as to not suffer later from buyer's remorse. Mr. Honey likes to make the decision and be done with it, never to look back. We're working out my issues with not being spontaneous, and he's working on being grateful that his hair isn't long enough to pull out in frustration. ;)
But a funny thing happened after leaving the furniture store. We went to a local festival and had a good time. Usually we both get dehydrated, don't find anything we like enough to pay the prices they ask for it, and go home and take a nap. This time, we found some gorgeous oriental prints (later got incredible matching frames at Michael's) for the bedroom, and a few small prints of some local landmarks with gorgeous colors that took my breath away. Mr. Honey got a beer and I got some baklava from the "International Food Festival" featuring Greek and American cuisine, we picked up some soy candles to avoid another sooty ceiling incident, and we went along our merry way to research the bedroom set we liked. You know, see if we can find it cheaper elsewhere.
Hope you all have a great week!
Posted by Honey :: 9:58 AM :: 2 Comments: ![]()