Friday, March 03, 2006
The Big Day
I'm sitting here listening to The Gourds' version of Gin & Juice and reflecting on my morning so far. (Thanks for letting me have the iPod while you're gone, Mr. Honey - this song ROCKS!)
As I was waking up, I was in this dream with MaryKate and Ashley Olsen (and it is with much hesitation that I actually admit to this in public) and in my dream I kept losing my cookies (to put it delicately). Maybe it was a subconscious link to the discussion Mr. Honey avoided having with me last night about biological clocks.
So, I got up, because those dreams weren't anything I really wanted to visit on the morning of my coolest birthday ever.
And then I got the hiccups before even leaving the house.
But they say things come in threes (especially on your cubed birthday??), so when I dropped my Nalgene water bottle on the way into work, I figured I'd be done with the bad stuff first thing and able to enjoy the rest of my day. Here's hoping! :)
Posted by Honey :: 7:23 AM :: 8 Comments: ![]()