Friday, February 17, 2006
***Breaking News:*** Actress Wears Fat Suit and Doesn't Complain of Being Shunned
Last week I blogged about armegeddon coming. This week comes more definitive proof.
While granting interviews for "Date Movie," actress Alyson Hannigan donned a fat suit. And instead of talking about how people stared at her, she reports that they introduced themselves to her. What is this world coming to?
Further evidence: She granted interviews here and here, yet never once complained about the fat suit. In fact, she even seemed to embrace it! Is it possible that *gasp* she actually has a personality? And her personality *gasp* speaks louder than her weight?
Excuse me. I have to go lie down and contemplate this for a while.
Posted by Honey :: 5:36 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()