Friday, February 03, 2006
***Geek Alert***
Exactly 4 weeks from today is my birthday.
The past few years, I haven't made a big deal about my birthday, because, really, once you hit 21, what's the big deal? Now you can gamble, drink, vote, buy lottery tickets, and be considered an "adult" in your own right. (Okay, 25 was cool, too, because the insurance rates dropped and I could rent a car without signing over my firstborn to the devil.) But this year, I'm celebrating my birthday, because the geek in me demands that I must. This year, it's a big deal.
I've always thought the date of my birthday was cool - 3-3. It doesn't matter if the form asks for the month or the day first, I never get it confused. And I've always had a particular fondness for the number 3, probably partly as a result of my birthday. But this year, I'm turning 27. That's 3 cubed. 3 to the 3rd. My birthday day to my birthday month, or vice versa. How cool is that?!?!
And as I only have four weeks left until my birthday, I've gotta get some research done this month. I wanna be able to apply for my PRO pin at RWA by the time I'm my birthday cubed.
If I haven't lost you yet in my descent into geekdom, I need to give credit where credit is due: I never would have thought of this had I not noticed Diana Peterfreund's blog about the same thing.
Posted by Honey :: 8:12 AM :: 4 Comments: ![]()