Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Engineers, Architects, and Hunger
Mr. Honey, the source of all kinds of wonderful and wacky what-nots on the world wide web, sent me an email today that blew my mind. Canned goods art.
Have you ever wondered what you'd get if you combined engineers, architects, and a food bank in a contest to raise hunger awareness? No? Well, I'll let you contemplate that a bit, because if you know engineers like Mr. Honey and I do, you know they're capable of some truly outrageous original ideas. Outrageous, unbelieveable, altruistic, awesome ideas.
See, Canstruction has done exactly that. According to the email Mr. Honey sent this morning,Architects and engineers compete to see whose team can build the most spectacular structure using little more than cans of food at Canstruction, the 13th annual NYC Design and Build competition in New York. The exhibit at New York Design Center is open to the public. At the end of the competition on 23 November 2005, the 130,000 cans that are part of the exhibit will be given to the Food Bank of New York City.
Canstruction is a national charity and has similar competitions each year in over 66 cities throughout the United States and Canada. For more information, visit
Here are some examples of the entries from this past November's competition. Aren't they incredible??
Look! It's Can Kong!
This bears an uncanny resemblance to a lobster.
Do you think this mermaid can do the can-can?
Holy crap. That's all I can say about this one.
My favorite - M&M's
Posted by Honey :: 5:30 PM :: 2 Comments: ![]()