Thursday, February 02, 2006
New Chair Smell
I got a new desk chair! I got a new desk chair! Mr. Honey brought it home and put it together for me while I was at work today. Woo-hoo! I'm so excited. This one actually fits my bum right.
Mr. Honey and I have been married long enough to have rightfully acquired much more furniture through purchasing it ourselves than we actually have. But since we have such generous family members, the only purchases we've made of our own furniture since we've been together (until today) were four kitchen chairs, two end tables and a coffee table, and... wait, I know there's something else... Crap. I can't think of what it is. Point is, we haven't bought much furniture. So this is a big deal. Oh! I remember one thing - we bought me a craft table for my sewing machine and scrapbooking (no comments, Mr. Honey - I see you snorting there). Oh, yeah! And we bought a couple bookshelves. Naturally.
My chair is so cool! I can set it to the right height, and I can tilt it in all kinds of freaky crazy directions. It also kinda smells like new chair. But this rocks! Now I'm like, all official and writer-y. I have a new desk chair. Woo-hoo!
*See Honey do the funky chair butt wiggle in excitement*
Hope you all have had a fantastic Thursday, too!
Posted by Honey :: 4:21 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()