Thursday, April 06, 2006
Happy Fake Friday
This whole daylight savings time thing has just thrown me off. Apparently this year my subconscious decided that going on Daylight Savings Time meant jumping ahead a day, not just an hour. I've thought it was the day after today every day this week. I went to bed last night, reminding myself, "Tomorrow is Thursday, not Friday" and I still woke up this morning thinking, "Yay! I get to sleep in tomorrow!" Except I don't really get to sleep in this Saturday, because I'm helping some friends move, but that's another story.
My body likes being in a routine. I suppose it's been that way since I was in grade school, and had scheduled "bathroom breaks" throughout the day. On the weekends, 11:45 would roll around and I'd drop everything to run to the bathroom. We could be sitting around watching TV, at a basketball game, shopping, whatever, and I'd have to stop it all because my bladder knew it was time to visit the potty. My mom said I was the only person she's ever known whose bladder had a timer on it.
But my point is, I still have those routines to some extent. And my body doesn't know what to think about me getting up an hour earlier than I've gotten up the last 5 or 6 months. It's still adjusting.
In the meantime, Happy Friday! We get two of them this week. Unless I want to look at it like I'm working Saturday when I get here tomorrow. Nah, two Fridays are more fun.
And just for kicks, I'd like to share the ad at the top of my gmail toolbar this morning: Alien cow abduction. - - Aliens are brittle and need milk, please help them. Quite possibly the funkiest milk ads I've ever seen.
Posted by Honey :: 8:44 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()