Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I try to avoid using this blog as a ranting place, sarcasm excluded of course, but the last two days, I've just been appalled at some of the things I've seen and heard.
For starters, listening to the radio yesterday, I heard a story about a teenager who's suing TGI Friday's because she convinced older gentlemen to buy her alcohol, then had an accident and fell on her face.
But why should this young lady behave any differently, when members of Congress can't even behave any better? For the record, I'm currently a resident of the state of Georgia and I'm pissed as hell about the behavior of some of our elected officials. How would Cynthia McKinney feel about the Capitol Police force if they relaxed their security measures and a nutjob with a bomb got through to her office? Nutjobs come in all shapes, sizes, genders, and colors, last time I checked. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but if I have to endure a little extra inconvenience in a security checkpoint, be it at an airport or in an official government building (something I'm also very familiar with), in order for the men and women who are trying to keep me safe to be able to do their jobs, then by all means, inconvenience me. Search my car. Search my purse. Wand me. Because if you'll do it to me, I know you won't hesitate to do it to someone who looks even more suspicious than I do. Or to someone who looks less suspicious than I do. And that could save my life and the lives of people I know and love. Suck it up, play by the rules, and do the job you were elected to do, Congress(wo)man McKinney. I helped put you in Congress, and I can help elect someone else in your spot. There's a way to make a difference, and then there's a way to make a fool of yourself. Do us all a favor and figure out the difference.
It's a sad day when I start to think our country could use some personal responsibility laws.
Posted by Honey :: 12:29 PM :: 4 Comments: ![]()