Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Suicidal Hornets
I'm considering skipping my afternoon walk today. For one thing, I haven't broken in the shoes I'm wearing today, so my feet hurt. For another, there's a crazy hornet flying around outside my window. No, actually, he's flying into my window. Repeatedly.
I wonder what could be so bad in the hornet's life that would compel him to bash his head into my window over and over again. Judging by the reverberations every time he hits, I'd bet the damage isn't isolated to just his head, either. Whatever his problem is, it must be horrific. Maybe Mrs. Hornet is mad at him for not doing the dishes and he just can't take the buzzzing about it anymore. Maybe his kids still haven't learned that cars are bigger than wasps. Or maybe his mother-in-law is buzzzing by for a "quick" visit. Does time move slower for little things like hornets?
Regardless of what his problem might be, I think I'll take his collisions with my window as a sign that it's not safe beyond the walls of my office building, and I'll stay inside this afternoon. After I get another piece of cake leftover from our luncheon today, that is.
Posted by Honey :: 2:01 PM :: 3 Comments: ![]()