Saturday, June 10, 2006
Confessions of a Cocker Spaniel
I'm ba-ack! Did you miss me?
I would've been back sooner except for a deadline at work that got bumped up two weeks because of a one-week conference that I'm suddenly attending in a week, plus I didn't hardly get online at all while I was visiting with my family, and then I got a head cold and have felt basically whiney and stuffed up even though it's a mild cold. I only lost sleep one night, my eardrums didn't explode on the plane, and I've lost a bit of my appetite because of some of the side effects, so all in all it's far from the worst sickness I've ever endured.
But that's not my point today. (I've said that before, haven't I?)
While I was gone, I got 20 inches cut off my hair. (Pictures will follow soon on my alter ego's blog - you know where to look.) Well, probably a little more than that, because I sent 20 inches to Locks of Love, and I had a little more trimmed off after we cut off the 20 inches so I could even it out and take it up to my shoulders. I thought about getting it layered, because my hair is very thick and curly and looks very, very poofy when it's short, but it's been five years since I've had it anywhere near this short, and I wasn't feeling particularly brave to try a new hairstyle along with cutting over 2/3 of my hair off. (By the way, my 20 inches of thick hair only weighed 5 ounces. My head and neck swear it was more than that.)
But I should've gotten it layered. Because layering thick curly hair makes it lay down. My hair does not lay down. Instead, it fluffs up along the side of my head and makes me look like I have cocker spaniel ears. I don't have anything against cocker spaniels, for the record. My first dog (that I can remember, aside from the crazy Irish Setter named Katie that I don't remember that would run at me full steam when I was learning to walk while I screamed bloody murder because the dog was going to run me over and then it would stop right in front of me, apparently much to my parents' amusement) was a cocker spaniel named Daisy. And I liked Daisy, but she liked my sister more than me. Not mini-me, the other sister. Mini-me never got to meet Daisy. But speaking of mini-me, she is so much like me that it's hysterical. My parents are reliving my childhood and teenage years and I don't have to. Ha-ha, Mom and Dad!
But back to the cocker spaniel thing. Since I look like a dog with my new haircut, my personality Isabel has decided she'd rather be known as Daisy. She says that's what I would've named her in the first place if I'd realized she always wore her hair this way. *sigh* Live and learn.
On a (personal) side note, I had the best leg shave of my life today. Instead of shaving cream/gel, I used Bath & Body Works skin-refining body scrub with sea salts. Amazing.
Posted by Honey :: 2:05 PM :: 1 Comments: ![]()