Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Kitten Cuteness?
Or a cat-astrophe?
Mr. Honey left for a business trip this past Saturday, so it's just been the kittens and me this week. So far I've written 20 pages, read a book and a half (I absolutely fell in love with Julia Quinn last night when she made me tear up on page 78 of It's in his Kiss), started a new Pirates! game, and watched the kittens get into all kinds of new and exciting things.
First things first. The kittens are now sleeping with me. They're flea-free, and Mr. Honey seemed to indicate he wouldn't mind if we left the bedroom door open at night. So he'll have to learn to share our bed once he returns home.
As part of giving them greater access to the bedroom, they now have greater access to our bathroom as well. We have a stall shower in the bathroom (there's a tub in the guest bath, don't ask why it worked out that way - I don't know), and a clear vinyl shower curtain on the shower. One of Saffron's new favorite games is sneaking into the shower (when it's dry, of course) and waiting for Jinx to sniff the shower curtain, then Saffron attacks through the curtain. Cute, but extremely irritating to wake up to the sounds of kitten-on-vinyl in the middle of the night. The bathroom door is now closed before we all lie down for bed.
Then there's the dining room fun. Mr. Honey and I are non-traditional type people; we have our dining room table in our living room and a papasan chair in our dining room. It works well for us that way. But the papasan is a source of much enjoyment for the kittens, much to my dismay. They're taking it apart, strap by strap. And then trying to eat the straps. *sigh* I know, kids will stick anything in their mouths. Maybe they're not getting enough fiber. Tonight I'll wipe the chair down with lemon juice and cover the straps with aluminum foil. Maybe that'll help.
And then the living room. Last evening I caught them both climbing on the TV stand. Right next to our big, fancy TV. They're not big enough to jump up in one leap yet, so they've been climbing onto the subwoofer and hopping from there up onto the stand. A box is not blocking that route, but it's only a matter of time before they're able to jump up without a stepping stone.
The other day, I noticed that Jinx's ears have grown. Mr. Honey thinks I'm making it up, but I'm not. I swear, her ears are each half the size of her head. I would've thought that all parts of them grew at the same time, but I think I'm wrong. And speaking of Jinx, her whiskers are suddenly uneven. It's like somebody took scissors to the whiskers on the right side of her face and cut them half off. She still has one normal length on that side. I'm hoping they grow back.
I've saved the best for last. Yesterday, I was sitting on my bed reading as bedtime approached. The kittens were wandering about the room when Saffron stopped in front of our laundry hamper. The hamper is this big rubbermaid thing with a lid, but we haven't used the lid in ages. (I think Mr. Honey's so grateful that I finally use the darn thing instead of throwing my clothes on the floor, he doesn't care if the hamper's covered or not.) I was thinking, No way she's going to do it. But she did. She hopped up onto the lip of the hamper, then jumped down into the dirty clothes. And I did what any rational kitten owner would do - I ran for my camera. But it was too late by the time I got back. So, I put the lid on the hamper and moved it so they can't use it to climb up onto my dresser. That, er, still needs some work.
That's what's new with my kittens. Enjoy your Wednesday!
Posted by Honey :: 6:26 AM :: 3 Comments: ![]()